Saturday, February 3, 2024

Google Sheets Automation - Automated Email Based On Cell Value

Google Sheets Automation

Automated Email Based On Cell Value

Copy below Code and paste under apps script (Make necessary changes as required)

function sendEmail() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Sheet1"); // Replace "Sheet1" with your sheet name var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange(); var values = dataRange.getValues(); var lastRow = dataRange.getLastRow(); for (var i = 1; i < lastRow; i++) { // Start from 1 to skip header row var stockCount = values[i][2]; // Column C (index 2) for stock count var emailAddress = values[i][1]; // Column B (index 1) for email address var emailSent = values[i][4]; // Column E (index 4) for email status if (stockCount > 0 && emailSent !== "SENT") { // Code by Excelmind var subject = "Stock count is greater than zero"; // Change the subject as per your choice var message = "Stock count for your item is: " + stockCount; //Change the message as per your choice MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message); // Mark the email as sent in column E sheet.getRange(i + 1, 5).setValue("SENT"); // i + 1 because getRange and setValue use 1-based indexing } } }

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